Read Online From Babylon to Timbuktu A History of the Ancient Black Races Including the Black Hebrews Rudolph R Windsor El Hagahn 8601200451580 Books

By Kelley Ramos on Monday, May 27, 2019

Read Online From Babylon to Timbuktu A History of the Ancient Black Races Including the Black Hebrews Rudolph R Windsor El Hagahn 8601200451580 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 151 pages
  • Publisher Windsor Golden Series; Reprint, Subsequent edition (April 1988)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9780962088117
  • ISBN-13 978-0962088117
  • ASIN 0962088110

From Babylon to Timbuktu A History of the Ancient Black Races Including the Black Hebrews Rudolph R Windsor El Hagahn 8601200451580 Books Reviews

  • The book is some what accurate until you read where the so called race came from. It's easy to be deceived because you read in the beginning about the three sons of Noah; Sham, Ham & Japhet. Because Japhet spread out in Asia, Russia & Europe the argument is made that the so called white race came from Japhet. However, there are other books out there that states otherwise that the first Greeks where black people and later was conquered by pale or the so called white race which is known as Esau. Don't fall for the holes in this book. I gave it three stars because like many other books there are things you can take out and things that are biblical; I referenced because the bible is my first book. The bible says that Esau is the Fore Father of the so called white race who which some people are afraid to admit, he came out of Shem. Who is biblically called the red people. Keep reading, but also study the scriptures over these books from men. Ecclesiastes 1212-13[12]And further, by these, my son, be admonished of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.[13]Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter Fear God, and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man.
  • This book is excellent!!! The package came on the date given. It's giving our history(much needed information). There are some small print in it under the pictures but for the most part, the print is larger (and with my eyes, Now, I need the larger print).

    This is my second book. The first one was taken, that's how much, good info is in it. It'll drive people to steal!

    I hope this help you decide...I'll even give you pictures...
  • I purchased this book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. As I try to dig deeper into my history, I'll be reading a lot. My history isn't really taught in schools. Our history is barely a single, washed out and sanitized chapter in the History books. We are taught that we were in Africa, brought over on ships, worked as slaves singing negro spirituals in the fields, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, Martin Luther King Jr marched, and we were free. What about BEFORE 1619? What was really going on and happening as we were "slaves"? Are we REALLY free? What about OUR history? So I read these books to gain insight. I think that if we taught our children that they are Kings and Queens, and conducted ourselves as such, we could make positive change. So add this book to your collection.
  • Don’t agree with everything he wrote, but definitely some great historical facts in here connecting the transatlantic slave trade to the 12 missing tribes of israel
  • Should be mandatory reading in schools. Excellent book.🔯
  • Loved! Lots of accurate information! For blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans visit to further your education in your true nationality.
  • An amazing book packed with valuable information few resources today posses, I am finding it easy to read, even for the novice book reader its very user friendly, and packed with heaps of critical information that would take you a considerable amount of time to find, also factual, I strongly recommend as a must for any reader considering this purchase.